Thursday, May 23, 2013

When Revolution Tastes Like Cabbage

Convenience is, well, convenient. It is wonderful to not have to bother about mundane tasks such as cooking. It's nice to just open a can and dump the contents into a pot and presto! dinner is done.

But convenience is also dehumanizing. That soup may be convenient, but it doesn't look appealing, or taste great. In addition to being void of nutrients, it robs us of the greatest source of joy we have: the act of creation.

Gardening is a time-consuming task, but also a pride-creating, health impacting activity that makes us feel alive instead of the less-than-alive creatures that live in condos, and spend their days in front of a piece of furniture that convinces them that the purpose of life is buying stuff while they plop tasteless soups into a bowl and pretend to enjoy it.

Revolution is not just about machine guns and guillotines. It's about people taking charge of their own lives, their own happiness and health, instead of allowing someone they have never met dictate how they live, love, and eat. Yesterday's revolution was fought with flowers, today's is fought with cabbage. They are both equally wonderful.

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