Thursday, May 9, 2013

Natural Hiearchy vs. Unnatural Hierarchy

We need hierarchies, that is, natural hierarchies. A good leader attracts followers naturally without coercion; a gifted violinist will climb higher in the hierarchy of a symphony than an average one, and there can only be one prima ballerina in a ballet company.

However, we seem to have a tendency to create unnatural hierarchies based on wealth, gender, color of skin, even age, and we point to the natural hierarchy as support for the unnatural hierarchy. But that's about as logical as saying we should all eat chips instead of potatoes because they are made of the same ingredient; a potato is still healthier than a chip.

An unnatural hierarchy takes a lot of time and energy to maintain. Just think about all the time and money that goes into maintaining the iron grip of Big Oil. We fight wars, and suppress alternative energy solutions, just to keep a handful of shareholders wealthy. Not to mention how much time the church spends keeping women from getting too close to the pulpit; that's time that could be spent doing something more useful.

The difference between a natural and unnatural hierarchy is that the former forms naturally and sustains itself, the latter is created artificially and is held intact through force and fear.

We need good leaders, inspired entrepreneurs, gifted artisans, dedicated scientists, and faithful spiritual leaders to keep our societies going, but an unnatural hierarchy prevents this from happening even as it claims to create the needed environment that will allow humans to reach their maximum potential. But how is it possible for humans to reach their maximum potential when half of humanity is held back because of their gender, and when another quarter is held back because of the color of their skin, and when the 24 % that is left is held back because of lack of means?

1 % doesn't equal 100%, but that is, of course, the whole point, and the reason for the creation of an unnatural hierarchy, for its purpose is to funnel all the available resources to the few on the top. A natural hierarchy takes the interests of all humans into consideration. Which is, of course why those who are at the top of the unnatural hierarchy spend so much time and effort ensuring it will never be created.

All of us are needed to create a natural hierarchy, for all of us are part of it. The first step towards a new future is seeing all humans as equally valuable, for equality is the first building block of a natural hierarchy. 

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