Monday, May 13, 2013

Ladies, We've got the Solution!

Ladies, men have come clean: they have a weakness and they need our help. They want us to make sure that they don't attack an innocent person because of their inability to control themselves. So, here's the plan.

1. We have to make sure that men don't see immodestly dressed women, and that means that we have to place them securely in the confinement of the home where they will run a very low risk of seeing women.

2. If men must leave the house, we will make sure they wear a veil that will inhibit them seeing objects too closely. After all, we can't be sure that a woman isn't going to show up wearing something tight the moment a man leaves the home.

3. Every man must have a female chaperon with him at all times to prevent him from going to any location that might cause him to stumble.

4. We will restrict what men can watch on the TV and the internet to PG, since anything other can trigger an unwanted reaction.

5. In every instance, we must insist a man ask a woman for permission if he wishes to do anything not already permitted, since a man cannot be trusted to act on his own.

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